GELS: Weekly Update

Hi Families and Scholars!

We had a fabulous week in the GELS Lab!!!

We had our in-school field trip on biomimicry (check out @Hey_MrsK on Twitter for photos–we even had a HAWK in the lab!) Also, we spent our time preparing for our Project Gallery Walk for our first feedback session.  If you are interested in the feedback process, check out Austin’s Butterfly (  Feedback is a BEAUTIFUL part of the process of refining our work.

Scholars were loving our Inspirational Figure of the Week (Dr. Patricia Bath)  she invented the LaserPhaco for cataract surgery.  She was the perfect pick for Women’s Month!  Did you know, in the lab where she invented LaserPhaco they actually did not put her office among her male peers?  Instead, she had to take up an office with the secretaries because she was a woman!


When we return from Spring Break:

We will start the feedback process.

Growth Mindset Bellringer:

Monday: Inspirational Figure of the Week–Sean Swarner–Research the inspirational figure for the week and write down one interesting fact.  Then, read the quote and explain how it relates to a growth mindset.  Define HOPE and explain its importance. “You can go a month without food, you can live three days without water, but you can’t go more than sixty seconds without HOPE.”

Tuesday: Mindset Vocab. GOAL–define and provide a real-world example.

Wednesday: When you think of home, what comes to mind? Is home a place or a feeling? Explain your opinions.

Thursday: Creative Mindset–who in your life MOST represent a growth mindset?  Why do you think this? Explain with examples to support.

Friday: Life & Goal Planning–Do you work best stress-free or under pressure? Explain your reasoning below.

I hope you all have a safe and SUPER Spring Break!

The best is yet to come,

Mrs.  K

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